
KIDV publishes international comparison of disposal logos

Publicatiedatum: June 21, 2022

The KIDV has made an initial comparison of the use of disposal logos on packaging in various European countries. Today, the KIDV publishes an overview of this comparison, which makes it clear to companies which logos are used in these countries, whether this is voluntary or mandatory and where companies can find information on the regulations that apply in these countries.

KIDV publishes international comparison of disposal logos

"In the Netherlands, we are noticing an increasing interest in our Disposal Guide logos. Companies often ask if they can also be used internationally. The methods of collecting packaging waste differ from country to country. We are now making this transparent," says project leader Vincent Balk of the KIDV, who carried out the international comparison within the context of PackForward. PackForward is the European platform for sustainable packaging, of which the KIDV - together with the Belgian FostPlus and ValiPac and Gront Punkt from Norway - is the initiator.

The disposal guide systems of the following eight countries were compared: Italy, Belgium, Germany, France, Sweden, Norway, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands. "As soon as we can get information from more countries, we will expand the document," says Balk. Several organisations, such as EXPRA and AIM, are talking about more harmonisation. EXPRA is the European organisation of bodies that implement producer responsibility for packaging and packaging waste. AIM is the international umbrella organisation of brand owners.

"With some countries it should be possible to achieve more harmonisation. The European Commission is also expected to steer more towards this goal," says Balk. "Companies that market their products in different countries also need more harmonisation. With our comparison, we are already partly meeting their needs."

Click here for the international overview of disposal logos.

Click here for more information about the Dutch Disposal Guide. 


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