About us
Increasingly more entrepreneurs want to make their packaging more sustainable, because they see the importance and the opportunities of a circular economy for packaging material. This is why the Netherlands Institute for Sustainable Packaging (KIDV), part of Verpact, advises and inspires companies with practical advice.
KIDV's ambition is to minimize the ecological impact of packaging materials. We therefore offer factual knowledge, professional training sessions and tools that are based on scientific research.
KIDV is part of Verpact. The KIDV team consists of experts who take and drive initiatives to achieve a circular economy for packaging:
- Karen van de Stadt, strategic packaging expert
- Niels van Marle, packaging advisor
- Rolf van Sprang, packaging advisor
- Marcel Keuenhof, packaging advisor
- Caitlin Ouwehand, packaging advisor
- Liliane Velt, behavior and litter advisor
- Nikki Groote Schaarsberg, packaging researcher
- Vincent Balk, specialist in (inter)national development
- Mirjam Tiems, knowledge development project leader
- Petra Veen, knowledge infrastructure advisor
- Marina Roos, management assistant
Committee of Independent Experts
A Board of Independent Experts provides solicited and unsolicited objective consideration of the content of the KIDV's advice and publications. The board is composed of scientists who provide independent advice. The council has the option to make these recommendations public. You can download the Regulations for the Board of Independent Experts below (in Dutch).
Ulphard Thoden van VelzenWageningen University & |
Jan Paul van SoestDe Gemeynt |
Jacqueline CramerUniversiteit Utrecht |
Jos KeurentjesTU Eindhoven |
Roland ten KloosterUniversiteit Twente / Plato |
Vacancy |