
Disposal Guide

Organisation: KIDV

The Netherlands Institute of Sustainable Packaging (KIDV) administers the Disposal Guide. This is a guide that helps producers and buyers of packaging and consumers with the proper separation and disposal of packaging material.

This reduces the environmental impact and delivers an important contribution to an optimal recycling process.

Over the years, Dutch consumers have been given more options for separating their packaging waste in different fractions. This has made the disposal of packaging more complicated, because it is often not clear which (parts of) packaging should be discarded with which waste-fraction. Although there is a great deal of support amongst consumers to separate waste, they need clear instructions on which container to use for the different waste-fractions.

The disposal guide system consists of icons which can be put on packaging to indicate which waste-fraction the different parts of a packaging belong. People can see at a glance how to dispose of each type of packaging.

If you are interested in using the Disposal Guide, please send an e-mail to weggooiwijzer@kidv.nl.