The KIDV Publishes New Disposal Guide Logos
Today, the KIDV is publishing a new set of Disposal Guide logos for packaging. Several changes have been made compared to the previous set.
The main changes at a glance:
- All icons have been updated.
- The text and layout of the logos have been adjusted to improve readability.
- New logos have been added for the waste disposal routes for civic amenity sites and metal packaging.
These changes are explained further below.
Disposal Guide logos are designed to assist consumers in properly disposing of their packaging waste, contributing to better sorting and recycling. Additionally, the system assists producers/importers in identifying the appropriate disposal route for their marketed packaging.
The publication of a new PMD (Plastic, Metal, and Drink Cartons) yes/no list in 2024, which specifies what waste can and cannot go in the PMD stream, made it clear that Disposal Guide logos needed updating. Some of the icons also no longer fit within the current waste system. Based on input from consumer research, stakeholder discussions, and knowledge of forthcoming legislation, new Disposal Guide logos have been designed.
The new set of Disposal Guide logos published today is a robust set intended to bridge the gap until the introduction of European waste disposal logos. The PPWR came into force on 11 February 2025. This includes regulations that need to be further developed, one of which concerns a European-wide system for disposal logos. Currently, each EU member state uses its own logos/symbols, tailored to the situation in that country. A final decision on this new system is expected from the EU by the end of 2025, with the possibility of uniform European logos being implemented in 2028. However, the information shared so far allows us to anticipate what the framework for this new system will be. This knowledge has been taken into account in the revision of the Disposal Guide logos for packaging.
New logos
Disposal Guide logos are well-known, with consumer research showing that 81% of Dutch people are familiar with them. At the same time, some criticism has been raised by both consumers and producers, particularly concerning readability. To improve the legibility of the text, the wording has been shortened, for example by removing the word “bij” (in). Additionally, the term “drankenkartons” (beverage cartons) has been shortened to “drinkpak” (beverage pack) on the logos. Consumer research has indicated that this is equally understandable, and in municipal waste collection, the terms drinkkarton and drinkpak are used interchangeably. The logos have also been made more readable through adjusted colour usage: a clearer distinction has been made between the packaging component (black text in a white field) and the disposal route (white text in a black field).

Anticipating the introduction of the PPWR, the new system accommodates separate waste streams. New icons have been added for civic amenity sites and metal packaging. The logos are valid across the whole of the Netherlands, in both source and post-separation municipalities.
Please note: Replacing logos is not mandatory. The KIDV advises that new logos be printed only when introducing new packaging or updated designs. In both cases, updating the print materials can be included in the process.