
Five introductory videos on sustainable packaging

Publication date: May 29, 2020

Today KIDV publishes five videos to make knowledge on sustainable packaging widely accessible. The video series offers an introduction to various aspects of sustainable packaging, from calculating environmental impact to consumer behaviour and the recovery of raw materials.

Five introductory videos on sustainable packaging

In the videos, various scientists talk about how sustainable packaging works in practice. Their research was part of the scientific research programme Sustainable Packaging, which the KIDV carried out in the period 2015-2019 in collaboration with the Top Institute Food & Nutrition and the University of Twente, Groningen University, Wageningen University & Research and TNO. The programme focused on urgent and relevant questions that contribute to a structural reduction of the environmental pressure in the product packaging chain in the Netherlands.

In order to share the knowledge from this research programme as widely as possible, the introductory videos are used within the educational module of various universities of applied sciences with which the KIDV collaborates. This educational module was successfully implemented a year ago at the universities of applied sciences in The Hague, Amsterdam and Den Bosch. In addition, the videos and topics are integrated into the programme of the KIDV courses for professionals.

The topics per video are:

  1. The Sustainability Guardian
  2. Environmental impact (LCA tools)
  3. Sustainable choices
  4. Disposal behaviour
  5. Recovering raw materials

You can view the videos below. All  are Dutch spoken, but they have English subtitles. 

Episode 1: the Sustainability Guardian
Episode 2: Environmental impact
Episode 3: Sustainable choices
Episode 4: Disposal behaviour
Episode 5: recovering raw materials

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