
Additional legislation for packaging (2023)

Publication date: September 14, 2022

The Dutch Packaging Waste Fund (Stichting Afvalfonds Verpakkingen) held an information session for companies on the 6th of September on changes in regulations that will come into force next year. These changes may affect their packaging, their annual declaration and their packaging administration.

Additional legislation for packaging (2023)

The information session covered the following topics:

  1. Single Use Plastics (SUP)
    New measures include litter costs, the reporting obligation and disincentives. For SUP packaging, there is no reporting threshold with regard to the waste management levy, whereas for other packaging there is an obligation to contribute if you put at least 50,000 kilos of packaging on the market every year. Producers/importers who market one piece of SUP packaging are also covered by the new legislation. If products are covered by the SUP directive, packaging records must be adjusted. Click here for a detailed explanation (only available in Dutch).
  2. New definition of producer/importer
    From 1 January 2023, the application of the definition of the term 'producer/importer' for the waste management levy Packaging will change. This is taking place at the intercession of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management so that it will be in line with the definition in legislation. This may also result in the packaging administration having to be adjusted. Click here for a detailed explanation (only available in Dutch).
  3. The packaging administration in 2023
    The amendments provide relatively many changes for packaging administration in 2023. For example, deposit cans (like plastic deposit bottles) must be reported separately (both the numbers and kilos per material type from which the can is made) from 2023 onwards. Furthermore, both kilos and numbers of SUP products must be reported. For the declaration of multi-use (reused) packaging, a breakdown must be made of the total weight of all multi-use packaging in that year (broken down by material type) and of the weight of all reusable packaging making its first circulation in the same year (also broken down by material type). Click here for a detailed explanation (only available in Dutch).
  4. Extended producer responsibility (UPV) commercial waste
    From 2023, the Packaging Waste Fund will organise the separate collection of plastic consumer packaging, drinks cartons and glass released in, for example, schools, offices and shops. The cost of this will be included in the waste management levy rates for plastic, drink cartons and glass. Click here for a detailed explanation (only available in Dutch).

Information sessions

In the coming months, the Packaging Waste Fund will organise several webinars to further explain the consequences and answer questions. The first session will be organised in cooperation with Statiegeld NL, in Teams, on 27 September next (15:30-17:00). It will be held in Dutch and the topic is the introduction of deposits on cans. You can attend the webinar via this link. Do you have any questions about this information session? Please email

The information session of the Packaging Waste Fund last 6 September can be viewed here. A version with English subtitles will be available next week.


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