Research paper

Standardisation in reusable food packaging

Publication date: March 10, 2021
Organisation: PackBack

PackBack (formerly Shared Packaging) was commissioned by the KIDV to investigate whether and how standardisation of reusable food packaging can be introduced. The aim was to gain insight into the requirements that different actors place on primary reusable food packaging, for the most efficient and effective cleaning and return logistics.

Standardisation in reusable food packaging

The study consisted of desk research and interviews with companies in the chain, including food producers, producers and distributors of packaging, logistics service providers and producers of washing installations. Based on experience, functional and non-functional requirements were identified, for example for material use, heat resistance, transport and cleaning. One of the outcomes is that square and rectangular shapes of primary meal containers are preferable, both from a logistical and cleaning point of view. With this research KIDV and PackBack want to contribute to the acceleration and adoption of primary reusable food packaging systems. The report also provides an incentive for further research into the standardisation of these systems, as already exist for secondary and tertiary packaging (crates, barrels and pallets).