
Biodegradable packaging

Publication date: March 3, 2023
Organisation: KIDV

The Netherlands Institute for Sustainable Packaging (KIDV) regularly receives questions from companies about biodegradable packaging and biobased plastic packaging. To give an answer to these and other questions, the KIDV has drawn up the factsheets 'Biodegradable packaging' and 'Biobased plastic packaging'. Both documents are an update of the 2018 fact sheet 'Biodegradable plastic packaging' and have been produced in cooperation with CE Delft.

In this fact sheet, KIDV describes the state of affairs concerning biodegradable packaging. Details and more in-depth information can be found in the reports referred to.

Because plastic is a widely used packaging material, biodegradable packaging often refers to plastic packaging (for instance PLA and starch plastics). But biodegradable packaging can also be made of paper, cardboard or wood.

The following subjects will be discussed: the definition, degradability, certificates and labels of biodegradable materials, and their processing in the waste phase. Also, KIDV gives - as an action perspective for companies - concrete suggestions and considerations about the application of biodegradable packaging, based on the current government policy and current recycling practices. If the development of new waste processing techniques, new materials or new policy gives cause to do so, the fact sheet will be adapted.