Research paper

Deposit systems for one-way beverage containers: global overview

Publication date: July 13, 2016
Organisation: CM Consulting

This report provides a comprehensive summary of deposit return systems in 38 countries/regions around the world, including information on system scope, deposits and fees, entities responsible for program operation, operation of the redemption system, and latest return rates.

Also included for each region is a diagram showing the flow of money and containers within the system.The document is written by CM Consulting from Canada in collaboration with the Reloop platform.

PET bottles of various sizes and metal cans can be classified as ‘beverage packaging’. For example, this document shows that in Croatia not only PET and glass bottles, but also cans are collected via the deposit return system. For the Dutch situation glass beer packaging is left out of this report, because it only appoints one-way deposit, and glass beer packaging is used multiple times in the Netherlands.