
Why transport water if you can add it at home? By rethinking key products in our everyday use, Twenty offers a solution. They are developing a cleaning detergent, dish soap and shampoo that are concentrated into a bar, liquid or powder. As water is only added to the product once the product has reached the customer, CO2 emissions during transport and unnecessary packaging can be reduced. To have the largest impact, Twenty is focusing on shampoo for now and developing their product in collaboration with a specialized research team from Wageningen University.

Meet the founders
Together, Mirjam de Bruijn and Ilse Kwaaitaal founded Twenty. Mirjam graduated from the Design Academy in Eindhoven and Twenty was one of her graduation projects. For her, design is a tool to push research beyond just ideas to actual functional and attractive products. Ilse, also looking for ways to develop water-free shampoo and with her experience in guiding social start-ups, pulled a network of different parties together to help the development of the product.
