
KIDV Recycle Check paper and cardboard packaging

Publication date: December 11, 2020

The Recycle Check is a tool to one of the many choices that packaging designers, but also marketers and buyers have to make if they bring a new product or packaging on the market. The tool has the model of a decision tree. The user will be asked a short series of questions about the material and packaging components that affect the sorting and recycling. The questions should be answered with yes or no. KIDV also gives background information for each question on the different aspects of sorting and recycling.

KIDV Recycle Check paper and cardboard packaging

At the end the question is answered: does the packaging have good recyclability or not. The Recycle Check focuses on the entire packaging, for example a printed box with a label and adhesives.

The KIDV has also developed Recycle Checks for other materials, click here for an overview. 

Enter your details below to download the KIDV Recycle Check. If you do so, you will receive updates by email. In addition, we inform you about the availability of new Recycle Checks for other packaging materials.

Download the Recycle Check Paper and Cardboard Packaging (version 2021-2022)